Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Konrad Hurrell

Konrad Hurrell. If you haven't heard of this person his name is Konrad Hurrell. Konrad Hurrell is my hero because he is a great influence in my life and I really like how he never gives up and he always strive for his goals. Konrad has been playing for a while he plays for the Warriors and every game he has he is always perfect even though he doesn't get a try each game I still know that He will always be a good influence in my life. 
If you haven't seen him play now your chance!

Why Teacher's are cool?

Let me talk to you about Teacher's. Teacher's are sometimes cool and sometimes not, but you've just got to hang in there. Today my Teacher Miss Aireen and Whaea Petra were in a great mood this morning because today she said there was a suprise and the surprise was Movies. I watched Big Hero 6 because it was the only movie that I haven't seen yet. It was very emotional. I was so emotional that one of the students cried because someone died.

In the afternoon we had shared lunch and we buddied up with room 1 and room 2. It was really cool seeing all the little smiles on them and kind of funny because one kid I saw he had a crazy face when I told him to smile and I started to laugh and so did Brodie. During lunch time the year 7's boys/girls and 8's girls had there imunisations. I was so glad that The year 8 boys didn't have to do there imunisations because I wanted to play basketball with my friends.

So thats why you should be good to your teachers and 
they will give you the same respect back!

Normal Monday

Yesterday it was Monday. Monday for me is pretty normal, but not like a normal persons Monday. After school days my family are included in many things that you might not even have heard of yet and my family is very talented and original. Example: I am included in is Kapa Haka, Band, Sports and cultral arts and one of my relievers say that I am very funny and I have my own style. So let me talk to you about my school I go to Tamaki Primary and I have fun everyday. If you don't know me my name is Brandon, but you must already know that. During school days its normal we do maths, reading, writing and inquiry. Our inquiry this term was to learn more about the difference about Heroes and Real life heroes. During the past days I've learnt that heroes are strong and brave and real life heroes are smart a unique, but mostly I think real life heroes are better because they don't neede super powers to save someone they just use there brain to come up with a plan more better than just getting into the action.

Now this is the hard part. After school my family come back homw eat and then go. You must be wondering where were going. My family goes to church practise and sing acouple of songs and verses from the bible. Sometimes me and my friends from church have to play our instruments for the church, so it would sound way better and when we did it actually sounded like a real song. After that we came home and went to sleep for Tuesday.

Monday, 30 March 2015

Kia maia/Kia Manawanui step it up

Today I am going to show you what kind of things describe things and
goals that I need to improve on.

Friday, 27 March 2015

Bio Poem

Your first name:
4 words to describe yourself
  1. Hilarious
  2. Sporty
  3. Beast
  4. Original
Son of Siale Fifita and Peti Masila brother of Lutimi, Siale leka, Soane, Alison, Melenaite, Lupe, Warner.
Lover of Basketball, pups, babys
Who feels Emotionally, Exhausted, Cheerful
Who needs Money, Family, Friends
Who gives Love to my family, Kindness to my friends, Money to our church donation,
Who fears Clowns, Dogs, Death
Who would like to Be blessed by god, Play for Cavaliers, Be rich
Who comes from (Tonga Longo teme) and lives in (Auckland New Zealand)

Heroes investigation

Today my class had to make a little presentation about our heroes. We had to
find out all the facts and information about them and put it on.
Find out who is my hero!

Malama Honua

On Wednesday morning more than 2000 people went to Point England reserve.
When we were there we had to greet a couple of Hawaiian people and it was cool.
Find out more!

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Blog Commenting

Today I have done blog commenting. During this task I have learnt more and
more about blog commenting. First it looks easy but when you give it a go
it doesn't seem that easy any more, so check out my presentation to learn about blog commenting.

Friday, 6 March 2015

Live, Work and Play Safely

Today I have displayed work that relates to making connections. We use the comprehension skill
to help us with our learning and knowledge. If you go through my slides you'll see they look different from each other but they have one thing in common. Check out my slides and find out for your self.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Comparing Heroes

This is my Google Drawing about Heroes and Real life heroes.
I have listed down key words that really stand out in Heroes and Real life heroes.

Monday, 2 March 2015

Trump Template

WALT set personal learning goals related to the key competencies.

My thinking goal for this year is to actively ask questions. I chose this to be by goal because I need to develop my critical thinking. An example of how I will achieve this goal is to ask myself critical questions to challenge my thoughts and thinking.

Relating to others:
My goal for relating to others is to remain open for new learning. I have chose this goal because I need to learn new things everyday, so I would improve in my learning. An example of how I will achieve this goal is to listen to peoples ideas and to take their ideas in and to really think about it.

Using language, symbols and text:
My goal for using language, symbols and texts is to use different systems of language and symbols to represent and communicate information experiences, and ideas. I can achieve this by using images to represent the work that I have displayed.

Managing self:
My goal for managing self is to have a can do attitude everyday. I can achieve this by coming to school and trying my hardest to get the work done even when its hard.

Participating and contributing:
My goal for participating and contributing is to contribute appropriately as a group member. I can achieve this by communicating with my peers and listening to their thoughts and ideas.

This is an example of a template of my trump goals. If you read this then I think you would be pleased. Hope you ike it.


This is my alteration of myself. I worked on this with my partners
Brodie and Brooklyn. Hope you enjoy.

Different kind of Heroes

This Google presentation represents our heroes in the world. This also
Represents heroes that are fiction. Please comment n my boog.

My Herro

This is a Google presentation of my hero. My heroes name is
Night Rider and he can fight crime everyday. Comment on my blog and feedback and forward.

Personal Views of a hero

This is my Google drawing. This Google drawing shows my personal views of a hero.
Give me feedback and forward so I can improve in my work.