Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Camp Rap

This is a google drawing of our camp rap. Me and John put this together
so that everyone would know what we have done at camp.
Hope you enjoy!!

Monday, 3 November 2014

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Move note

My Maths goals

This is my maths move note. It tells you what I have developed and what I need to improve.
Hope you like it.

Move note

Move note
This is another one of my move notes it is about my reading goals and reflection.
I've worked hard on this and I hope you like it.

Move note

Move note

This is my move note that I have made based on my goals and reflection.
Hope you like it.

Monday, 22 September 2014

Brandon and Mckoy - Reflection

Tagata o le Moana Marking RubricInquiry Group: Habilicious - Brandon/Mckoy


Resources Used
3 websites
3 books

Reference list included.
5 websites
5 books

Reference list included.
7 websites
7 books

Reference list included.

Quality of information
Information answers  Some questions correctly.

Some information is summarised in own words.

Some key ideas support group research topic.

Sentence Structure:
Some sentences make sense.
Information answers
Most questions correctly.

Most information is summarised in own words.

Most key ideas support group research topic.

Sentence Structure:
Most sentences make sense.
Information answers
All questions correctly.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

All information is summarised in own words.

All key ideas support group research topic.

Sentence Structure:
All sentences make sense.

Some of the presentation engages the audience.

Group Participation:
A few group members participated during the presentation.

Media Sources:
Only one media used.
Most of the presentation engages the audience.

Group Participation:
Most group members participated during the presentation.

Media Sources:
A few media is used.

All of the presentation engages the audience.

Group Participation:
All group members participated during the presentation.

Media Sources:
A range of (3+) of media (youtube clips, images, speech, music, voice overs)

Peer Feedback:  Mckoy Clear voice Interesting facts Picture support what was being read
Peer Feedforward: Speak more clearly make sure info matches the inquiry topic. make sure you can pronounce every word.

Group Grade:  MeritTeachers Feedback: Well done  Mckoy and Brandon for putting together this interesting presentation with some good facts on different sea creatures. You need to make sure you stay on your inquiry topic.

Inquiry Reflection: Using the feedback and feedforward recorded above answer these questions and reflect on your inquiry presentation.
Reflect on how well you achieved the inquiry learning intention and success criteria

WALT make information our own and present it effectively.

Success Criteria: Students can;
- create an educational and entertaining presentation.
- use a form of media effectively to create our presentation.
- verbally communicate our learning to our peers.
  • Did our presentation get our key messages across?  Some of our information got our key message across.
  • Did we engage our intended audience?  Some of our audience were engaged and some weren't.
  • Did our information make sense?  Did our presentation flow? Most of our sentences made sense and our presentation did flow.
  • How could we have made our presentation better?  We could of got more information and things that related to our inquiry topic and we should speak more clearly.
  • Where to next? How will we work differently next time? We will try our hardest next time we do writing and we would use this feedback and feedforward to make our work more better

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Suffix Detective

This is my suffix detective task. I had to explain what a suffix is and I had to
make up my own suffixes and we had to explain that suffix.

Monday, 8 September 2014

Kate Johns

This is a Goggle drawing about a girl name Kate johns. She swam 25 km through cook

Friday, 5 September 2014

Suffixes - Kini/Brandon

This is what I have done with my buddy Kini. We had to put in suffixes in the words
and try to make it better. We also had to write three suffixes and I had fun doing it.

Equivalent Fractions - Kini, Cypress and Brandon

This is what I've done with my buddies Kini and Cypress. We had to finish this
Google drawing about Equivalent Fractions and what the definition is.
I hope you enjoy looking at my Poster.

Suffixes - Kini/Brandon.

Thursday, 21 August 2014


This is my work that I've done for arts and crafts. I really worked hard on this 
and I think that I have done a good job. Hope you like
what I did with my quilling.

Monday, 18 August 2014

Grammanastics - Figurative Language

In room 7 we finished our Grammanstics task on different kinds of figurative

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Cybersmart - Mobile Phone

This is what I need to do to stay safe online read my Google drawing if you want to know how to stay safe online?

Friday, 1 August 2014

Genral Knowledge - Canada

This is my general knowledge about the commonwealth games. The country I chose in my presentation is Canada. I think you would like what I've done if you get to see my presentation on my blog.

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Cyber smart

This is what I did with my buddie sam we had to write  about what we know about
how to a safe person online.


This is what I've found out about our oceans and seas I worked with my buddies Sam and Lauren. We had a blast working together and sometime we had to finish our task.

Friday, 25 July 2014

My Description about the ocean.

When I walk on the beach I could smell hot yummy chips. The first thing I could feel when I took my first step on the beach was the hot blazing sand cooking my feet. When I got in the water it was so cold that I ran back out. When I got back in I swam down and opened my eyes and saw the nice things that were under there for so long. There were so much amazing things that I haven't seen before in my life.

I could taste the salty water rushing into my mouth. My ears could hear the sound of waves crashing together, also I could hear the birds squawking as loud as a horn. When I was about to swim out all of a sudden I saw this beautiful coral that gleams like a firefly it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life.

Started waking in the cold water when I stepped on a great big shell, so I lifted up foot and saw all the blood dripping down my feet. I couldn't walk properly, so I just swam and finally I made it to the hot beach.I still could smell the hot yummy chips, so I decided to go and eat and it was so delicious that I ate some more.When I was about to leave I looked to my right and saw a bus, so I catched a ride on the bus.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Looking at friends-Sam,Jayden and Brandon

For skills for adolescences we had to list the things that positive and negative friends might do and why .Here is what me and my good friends completed!

Friday, 6 June 2014

Year 7 and 8 Netball Tournament

On Wednesday our Year 7 and 8 Netball teams entered the Netball tournament.We trained lots of times, So we can improve on our skills.We got there on bus, but when we got there it was packed of schools.As we walked in the AMI Netball courts I really thought we were already going to win the Netball Tournament.

This blog post is based on the Netball Tournament that some of us went to. Take a look at my work and tell me what you think.

Friday, 30 May 2014

Character Profile - Charles Darwin

This is my character profile and it is based on Charles Darwin. Take a look to find information about him.

3 Area's Of Science

This is my doc on the 3 area's of science and I included questions based on the 3 area's of science.

Movie Review

This is my movie review on the movie Cloudy With a Chance Of Meatballs. Take a look and see if my review is right.

Open and Closed questions

Open and Closed questions by john8drbdxd on GoAnimate

This is what I also did with my friend John and it was based on the differences between an open question and a closed question.

Fight Night 2014

Fight Night 2014 by john8drbdxd on GoAnimate

This is a fight night thing when two friends want to have a fight for this girl and one friend comes alone when the other friend comes with two ninja's to help him win the girl.

Election Time

Election Time by john8drbdxd on GoAnimate

This is what me and my friend John did and it was on the election of Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.

Friday, 23 May 2014

Solar System

This is Google presentation about all of our planets that surround our solar system.
I finished this with my buddie Kini.

Friday, 16 May 2014

How do we make good friends?

A person who share their feelings their secrets, also a person who can show them how to be a rolemodel.
A person who can also be themselves and who can control their anger.
A person who sticks up for them
Respect them
someone that shows you the right path
Always be honest.
Respect people if you want them to treat you like that and if you be mean to them they will treat you like that to. If one of your friends are being bullied go stick up for them they might do that to you to stick up for you.
Make them happy
Don't treat them badly
Always stick up for them.
This Google doc shows on how to be a good friend. These are things that we thought of and that we know on how to be a good friend.

Their - There and They're


Greig's Pointed Problem

Click here to read the text

Why did Greig decide to design a new type of umbrella?Because everytime it rains he lifts up his umbrella and pokes him in the eyes
What is the history of the umbrella given in the text?Umbrellas were often made thousands of years ago. They were used to protect people from the sun and were often made of paper.
What new features did Greig design on the umbrella?Just that he would make a stronger umbrella that would not poke him in the eyes.
What is the name of Greig’s umbrella and why did he call it that?He called it the Blunt umbrella because it could handle the wind that was going 117 kilometers per hour.
How did Greig test the umbrella?He went up one tree hill and tested it by putting it up into the wind and see if it passed or not.
How does Greig’s work impact the world?Now people cannot waste their money and time putting it after a storm in the rubbish bin.

3 areas of science

This is a document about our 3 areas of science witch are Biology, Chemistry and
Physics. Biology is all about the study of living things for example humans,
animals and plants. Chemistry is all about the study of the properties and make-up of substance.
Physics is all about the study of energy and forces.

Thinking Keys

Different uses Keys:


1.You can use it to defend yourself
2.You can make a fire
3.You can do push ups with it
4.Clean your ears
5.Clean your nose
7.Scratch your back
8.Pencil tricks
9.You can try and balance it on you finger
10.You can try and balance it on you not
11.Girls use it to tie their hair
Plastic cup:

1.Do cup games
2.Do cup trick
3.A hat
4.Robot costume
5.Use it as a cup phone
6.Chuck it in the bin
7.Bowling pin
9.Rugby ball
10.Use it to hold a plant
11.Drink from it

This is a document about my thinking keys. I had to right all the things you could do with the item you had.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Chemistry Biology and Physics

This task indicates the 3 key areas of science.These area are Chemistry, 
Biology and Physics.Chemistry is the study of Solid,
Liquid and Gasses. Biology is the study of living things 
like humans and animal. Physics is the study of 
energy like oxygen and galaxy.

Monday, 5 May 2014

Room 7's Class Goals - Term 2 2014

These are our class room goals. We have created these goals to help
us get to our next level of learning by setting our selves up for

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Present Presentation

This Presentation Represents Present:What do ANZACs do now.
We had to do 7 slides and had to write a reference
list and we all had to aim for Excellence.

Friday, 11 April 2014

ANZAC Questions

For inquiry we had to make 7 question related to Present:
What do ANZACs do now.

Tuakana Teina

Today was Tuakana Teina day. We had to do a presentation and a Y-chart, also we had to get information from somewhere we find it.

Our Tuakana Teina day Presentation

Thank You Riki

This is a Google drawing about a fantastic person Riki. He has been teaching us about baseball
he lets us do warm ups and also he lets us play games.He has also afford
us to play in a baseball team.

T.P.S Fiafia night Term 1 2014

This presentation is a reflection on the T.P.S Po Fiafia. We made a big accomplishment by fundraising $1,400 for our Year 7 and Year 8 camp.

Thursday, 27 March 2014


Malo Le Lei my name is Brandon I like to watch TV and play around with people.I am kind,helpful and funny.I really have long eyelashes that sparkle like a star.

I have 8 siblings in my family.We all like to have fun together and we all like to bond.I have 4 brothers counting me.One of my Brothers just went to college and one is almost finished collage.My 2nd smallest brother is in primary but my youngest brother pasted away by sickness.There are 3 more people in my family they are my sisters.One finished collage and went to Australia and one is still in collage.One of my sisters pasted away by sickness as well,also we have adopted 5 people and they are all older than me and have kids.

I am Tongan and I have some aunts and uncles in Tonga.I go to church every Thursday and Sunday. In.In Tonga for food we chase pigs and stab them with a knife and in Tonga that is could Tulu Puaka. I.I like to be a Tongan and I am Proud to be a Tongan.

I would like to be a Scientist when I grow up because you can make new stuff for the world.My mum inspires me to do this because she struggles buying stuff for my family,so that why she inspires me.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014


On Thursday we went to North Head we saw amazing stuff there.It was magnificent .I saw happy faces and I saw lots of nice things

Ordering Fractions

This task is all about putting fractions in the right place.My group had to put this with the right match and write a tip for people to do when there doing this.

Y-Chart Presentation

6 Hats current event

The Last Post